prosze pomozcie to pilne!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam musze zaraz wyslac meila do rodziny u ktorej mieszklama w te wakacjie moja gramatyka jest okropna i potrzebuje waszej pomoc czy ktos moze mi przetlumaczyc te kilka zdan :

Bardzo dziekuje za aparat bylam bardzo szczescliwa mogac obejrzec zdiecia. W gorach bylo bardzo fajnie chociaz rodzice nie pozwalali mi duzo chodzic wiec musialam duzo odpoczywac. Zdiecia ktore mi wyslalas sa cudowne dziekuje ci, chodz teraz jest mi smutno bo tesknie za wami. Jesli chodzi o moje rzeczy to jeszcze raz bardzo przepraszam i rozumiem ze nie masz czasu moze pozniej mi je wyslesz. Wiersz jest tlumaczony z polskiego na angielskie strasznie mi sie podobal wiec ci go wyslalam. W sobote mam impreze urodzinowa i teraz jestem strasznie zajeta .Czuje sie juz bardzo dobrze ale lekarz kaze mi odpoczywac.
Pozdrawiam i bardzo tesknie za toba i chlopcami

bardzo prosze o przetlumaczenie
Thank you for the camera. I was really happy to have possibility to see the pictures. It was really great in the mountains even though my parents didn't allow me to hike a lot so I had to rest a lot. The photos which you sent me are wonderful, thank you very much. I'm very sad now because I miss you. I'm really sorry about my stuff , I understand that you don't have enough free time, but if you have, send it to me, please. The poem is translated from Polish into English. You liked it a lot so I send it to you. I'm having my birthday party on Saturday and I'm very busy at the moment. I feel well now but the doctor told me to rest a lot.
I miss you all very much. Take care.
dziekuje slicznie
Ależ nie ma za co :). Pozdrawiam :).
Thank you so much for the camera. I was very happy to see the pictures. It was really nice in the mountains though my parents did not allow me to walk a lot and I had to rest most of the time. The pictures you have send me are marvellous. Thank you, though now I'm quite sad because I miss you all so much. As for my belongings, I appologise once more and I'll understand if you don't have time. so maybe you'll send them back later. The poem was translated from Polish to English. I loved it so I have send it to you. My birthday party is this Saturday and I am awfully busy. I'm feeling very well now but my doctor tells me to rest. rnLove (your name) rnI really miss you and the boys!
malenkie cos - (moze to sa tylko literowki)
...pictues you have SENT me ..
apologise...if you don't have THE time, so maybe
..from Polish INTO English
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.