Strona bierna – ćwiczenia gramatyczne z angielskiego

ćwiczenie nr
Twoja historia


Change the sentences into passive voice.

Zamień zdania na stronę bierną.

  1. Someone must send this letter today.

  2. Someone is watching my parents.

  3. Nobody will read this article.

  4. They won't deliver the sofa today.

  5. The company employs five hundred people.

  1. Who composed 'Carmen'?

  2. You have to tell your story again.

  3. My father gave me this watch on my eighteenth birthday.

  4. They clean the rooms every day.

  5. They aren't making these envelopes at present.

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Czy w przykładzie 8. poprawne jest napisanie: "This watch was given to me by my father on my eighteenth birtday" ?