Moi Drodzy,
w zdaniu "...... DO WCZORAJ zarejestrowano w nich prawie 1,5 tysiąca protestów wyborczych " nie może być ani Present Perfect, ani Simple Past....tylko PAST PERFECT, tak jak to przetłumaczył autor. Gdyby w zdaniu tym powiedziano , że protesty te zostały zarejestrowane wczoraj, wtedy byłby Simple Past . Jest powiedziane DO WCZORAJ, a więc mamy tu do czynienia z Past Perfect dla czynności zakończonych przed pewnym momentem w przeszłości-poniżej fragment z ksiązki:
Past perfect for actions completed before a point in the past.
This point can be implied or expressed with a time expression or a clause with a verb in the past simple tense:
They had all arrived by 10 o'clock.
Expressions which are often used with the past perfect tense: by, till, until, before, when, by the time, no sooner, hardly, scarcely, barely.
Danny had never seen a real cow till I showed him one last Friday.
He didn't leave until he had talked with the boss.
By the time she got to the theatre, the play had already begun.
I had no sooner got home than the telephone rang.
I had hardly/barely/scarcely fallen asleep when there was an earthquake.