Profil użytkownika Janski - wpisy na forum

481-510 z 591
I take pictures and play volleyball.…
>hotelarstwo to na 100% "hotel industry" >kelnerstwo to będzie "Waiting staff" Hotel Management is a true responsibility, but it is not an industry. Industries produce …
Try to memorize every word you can get in this. It's good every day American English.…
Are Canadiens suffering from another power outage? Quebec can't push enough juice to the hapless Ontarians? If so, you must be importing power from Polandia, right?…
>Could you tell me the difference between 'what happened?' and 'what >has happened?' please :) 'what happened?' means "what happened then?" "Then…
>It is perhaps not the best of ideas to illustrate a claim regarding >word order with a set phrase like that. That's an excellent example of where "only" belongs in this UNAM…
Well, Princess, I like "Dreams only give..." better. Too much emphasis is too much of the obvious pushed right in your face at times, but that doesn't mean that "Only dreams...&…
>Hah, no o to też chciałam zapytać ale zapomniałam ;) Czyli nie ma >między nimi różnicy poza tym że jedno AmE a drugie BrE ( meet (with) i >talk with/to) ?? Again, forget the English vs.…
>Medviediev met WITH Obama at the airport - znaczy, że Medviediev z >Obamą zamkęnli się w jakiejś sali na lotnisku i mieli tam jakieś >(ważne) spotkanie. ? They said hi and talked about…
It's not about English English vs. Americn English. Bush met with Putin four times = They got together four times to discuss things. Obama and Medviediev didn't meet before July 7 = Th…
>- to, że chodzi o obrazy literackie Yes, madam. >- wątpliwość, czy śmierć występuje w j. ang. w l. mnogiej? Death is one. "Deaths" is merely a plurality of instances of the s……
Boink is the sound that a bouncing object produces when it rebounds off an obstacle, for instance a basket ball rebounding off the ground. Boink, boink, boink,... Think about it.…
Anything in the way of a pea soup recipe?…
>I'm wide open. Czy można to rozumieć jako: “Jestem otwarty na >propozycje" itp ? What "propozycje" do you have in mind? >I'm wide open. I am ready/…
>She didn't kick me TO THE CURB. She didn't dump/dismiss me. >Cut 'em some slack. Let them have their way, just a little; be more understanding and forgiving. >I hate…
>I came up with a DOOZY Here is an EXTRAORDINARY ONE. >I don't know what your daddy ISSUES are. ...what your daddy PROBLEMS/MATTERS are…
jak szybko nauczyć się angielskiego Drink lots of milk and think speedy thoughts.…
moge means 'I can decide not to go there... Thank you.…
Na tym forum nie tłumaczą Why not? tylko >sprawdzają i poprawiają. Why is that?…
"Consist in" means have as its main characteristic. "Involve" means require. "Entail" means necessitate or reqiuire. How about "is (all) about"?…
"Mogę tam nie >iść, jeśli chcesz."; First you tell me what your "moge" is supposed to mean. If it means "allowed," I am allowed not to go there, and I won'…
I comma-spliced one of them. >The (theoretical?eally? skip) front matter is* a résumé of local >government budgeting operations**. It also outlines key concepts in task-based >budgeting …
>The thesis addresses the issue of assessing the effectiveness of task-based >budgeting as a management tool used by local government. This thesis attempts to assess the effectiveness of task…
"Quick" takes little time or acts immediately: quick thinking, quick reaction, quick succession, quick response. "Fast" moves at high speed: fast train, fast horse, fast car. …
Cornflakes are countable perhaps because flakes are countable. Cornflakes means flakes of corn, just as snowflakes mean flakes of snow. I don't think it's about the flake size. "Gr…
Shaping the Personal Value System of... . A Case Study in a Penitentiary in Zamosc.…
>1. Pierwszy rozdział przedstawia problematykę badawczą w świetle >literatury. Chapter One... the rest means zilch. >2. skok w dal z miejsca The (two-footed or two-legged, or single leg…
Three bathrooms is not enough for a family of four. Horses is the princess's thing.…
Is this of a must? No. "All" before a noun works, and "of" is not needed. "All" wants to be before a noun. After a noun, "all" is very much questionab…
481-510 z 591