Filologia angielska - słownictwo

Zestaw 2500 słówek i wyrażeń przydatnych na studiach filologii angielskiej oraz osobom uczącym się angielskiego na zaawansowanym poziomie.

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he asked her out
He invited her for dinner.

they made out
They did a lot of kissing.

they started going out
They began to see each other regularly.

they were really into each other
They spent a lot of time together, they enjoyed talking, going to movies, etc.;

she broke up with him
She ended the relationship.

he is still getting over her
He is really sad about the break-up.

he tried to hit on her
He tried to attract her attention.

she shot him down
She refused to make a closer relationship.

he can't get over it
he cannot recover form the upsetting experience.

sex between a married man or woman and somebody who is not his or her spouse;

Adultery is what caused my sister to leave her husband.

a nice way of calling somebody's partner;

I rely on my better-half to make dinner reservations.

the crime of marrying somebody while already being legally married;

She admitted to committing bigamy after 5 years of marriage.

a woman who during the marriage ceremony helps the woman that is getting married;

The bridesmaids were beautifully dressed.

a man who during the marriage ceremony helps the man that getting married

All the groomsmen forgot their shoes at the hotel.

confirmed bachelor
a man who is certain of his status of being single;

My brother is 48, never been married and a confirmed bachelor.

having sex with someone who is not your husband, wife, or normal sexual partner;

She could not forgive him for his infidelity.

a marriage of people who are from different social groups, races or religions, or are from the same family;

Have ethnic tensions been eased by intermarriage?

marriage of convenience
a marriage not based on love but on the advantages one or both partners may gain from it;

She got her green card through her marriage of convenience to Jim.

marriage counseling
advice or help given to married couples who are having problems with their marriages

Marriage counseling is a worthwhile investment if you really love your partner.

a person who specializes in bringing people together for the purposes of love and marriage;

I wish aunt Betty would stop being such a matchmaker.

the state of being married

May you spend many years in happy matrimony.

a man who wants to marry a particular woman;

My sister has so many suitors that she doesn't know which one to choose.

the state of being married;

Many more children are born out of wedlock today than 50 years ago.

to marry into money
to marry somebody who has a lot of money;

If you hadn't married into money, you'd be washing dishes right now in some cheap restaurant.

Science and Technology
substance designed to attract sb or sth.

Various attractants are put into perfumes and aftershaves to "attract" the opposite sex!

Science and Technology
reputed, supposed.

Our study is the first to show the putative effect of pheromones on thehuman brain, said Dr Jones.

Science and Technology
relating to the sense of smell.
określenie odnoszące się do zmysłu węchu)

Although relating to one's sense of smell, one's olfactory sense is also very important when it comes to tasting food - which is tasteless without it.

Science and Technology
tricky device, esp to attract attention or publicity.

I think our competitor's offer of a free pen with every contract signed is just a gimmick.

to entice
Science and Technology
to lure, persuade by offer of pleasure, etc!

You mean, they are just trying to entice people into their shops with a cheap trick?

Science and Technology

If you think I'm going to climb to the top of that tree to rescue your cat, you mustbe bonkers!

to trigger sth
Science and Technology
to cause to happen.
wywpłać , sprowokować

The fire in the factory triggered an enormous explosion.

Science and Technology
strong desires.
ochota, pragnienie)

Women who are pregnant often have cravings for unusual foods.

to shed weight
Science and Technology
to lose weight.
traćić wagę

Many people who are overweight try to shed weight by going on crash diets.

Science and Technology
to convey smoothly (as) through air or along water.
unośić się)

A waft of the blossom on the trees drifted through the room, much to my delight.

Science and Technology
biting, caustic, esp affecting organs of smell or taste.
ostry, gryzący)

I think you've used too much paprika in this goulash - it's a bit pungent!

Science and Technology
puff of air or smoke or odour or (fig.) scandal.

After the president admitted his son was having an affair with a married woman there was definitely a whiff of scandal in the air whenever family morals were thereafter mentioned.

to gee up
Science and Technology
to encourage to go faster.
zachęta do przyspieszenia kogoś, czegoś)

The government's tax cuts were intended to gee up the public's spending and help the economy recover.

to synthesise
Science and Technology
to artificially produce sth.

When it comes to producing new perfumes some flowers are more difficult to synthesise than others.

Science and Technology

Many flowers are impregnated by bees carrying pollen from one plant to the other

to induce
Science and Technology
to bring about, to cause to happen.

The management tried to induce greater loyalty in their staff by offering them a huge pay rise.

Science and Technology
evil smelling.

The smell coming from the drains was quite malodorous - they definitely needed cleaning!

Science and Technology
noxious, disgusting esp to smell.

The smell from the sewers was rather noisome also.

Science and Technology
body odour.
zapach ciała /potu

Nobody wanted to tell Gerald that he had a problem with b.o.!

Science and Technology
fragrant, having strong smell, strongly suggestive or reminiscent of.
przywodzący na myśl)

The smell of the perfume was redolent of poppies on a summer day.

to raise a stink about sth
Science and Technology
to complain loudly, normally in the hope that sb will pay attention to what you're saying and do sth to improve matters.

There's no need to raise such a stink about the window my son broke - I will pay for it, I promise!

to come up smelling of roses
Science and Technology
to escape from a bad situation, often in a fortuitous way.

It's a good job you didn't leave early too as you were intending to do, otherwise the boss might have sacked you as well - instead of which he's now giving you a pay rise! Do you always come up smelling of roses?

to turn one's nose up at sth
Science and Technology
to show that you consider sth is not good enough for you.

When the boss offered him a ten per cent pay rise, he turned his nose up at it, saying that he thought his invention was worth at least a share in the ownership of the company!

to get up sb's nose
Science and Technology
to irritate sb!

I don't like Matthew, he gets right up my nose

to smell a rat
Science and Technology
to be suspicious, suspect sth is wrong. I think the enemy has laid a trap for us - I smell a rat!

internet protocol (ip)
Science and Technology
Main protocol (i.e., set of rules that formulates the foundation of communication) that controls data flow from one point to the another.

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Komentarze (13)

Dużo "literówek" i kilka poważniejszych błędów.

nursery school - oznacza również ŻŁOBEK (tak podaje słownik Cambridge), kindergarten - tłumaczy się jako PRZEDSZKOLE.

Jeśli dla niektórych z Państwa brak polskiego tłumaczenia, to co robicie na tym dziale, skoro jest to dla studentów filologii? Skoro student filologii jest poziomu B2/C1 powinien, jak nie musi, być w stanie zrozumieć znaczenie
z kontekstu. Jeśli znów rozchodzi się o wymowę, to jakim problemem jest wejść na stronę słownika takiego jak, longman, czy oxford, wpisać słowo i przeczytać transkrypcję/odsłuchać wymowę? Wystarczy odrobinę pomyśleć i odpowiedź się sama nasunie. ;) Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

Na jaki poziomie są te słówka ? Czy ich znajomość jest potrzebna do zdawania CAE ?

Wielka szkoda że, nie ma możliwości wydruku w pdf...

No właśnie w pdf by się przydało ;)

ma ktoś te wszystkie słówka w PDF ??

Zdania w przykładach są proste, co tu tłumaczyć? Zwłaszcza na tym poziomie. Ja bym raczej poprosiła o wymowę słówek. Czasem akcent albo głoska wymówiona nie tak -i klapa. Ale to drobiazg. Strona świetna, dziękuję i pozdrawiam.

Jest napisane, że to dla osób, które myślą o języku poważnie. Ucząc się zaawansowanego słownictwa, przeważnie już na poziomie B2/C1 rozumie się podaną po ang. definicję. Nie ma zatem co marudzić. :)

Moim zdaniem jeżeli ktoś już jest na filologii to powinien znać podstawowe zdania, sformułowania czy słowa jakie zostały zastosowane w tych przykładach słów ciut bardziej unikalnych, jak dla mnie bajka. Świetna strona, pozdrawiam.

Brak. Mnie np brakuje tłumaczenia zdania. I to jest też głównie największy problem w książkach. Tłumaczy się słówko a nie całe zdanie. I przez to niby zastosowanie jest - no jest... ale niepełne.

Genialny pomysł, ale nieprecyzyjne wykonanie...brak polskich tłumaczeń utrudnia pracę.
