Słownictwo angielskie ćwiczenia – poziom B1


Type in words from the list to complete the sentences.

Wybierz słowa z listy do uzupełnienia zdań.

lista słów do wyboru:
routine elbow wrap behaviour whenever traditional breeze outdoors location urgently
  1. I try to spend as much time as possible .

  2. I really enjoy food at Christmas.

  3. Why does it rain I put the washing out to dry?

  4. The kids were on their best when I took them to the museum.

  5. I can't bend my arm since I banged my on the door yesterday.

  1. The factory where I work is moving to a new in July.

  2. I'm bored with the of working in an office.

  3. Only one of these three letters has to be sent .

  4. Can you help me to this parcel, please?

  5. There was a lovely warm at the seaside today.

Więcej ćwiczeń dla Słownictwo angielskie - poziom średniozaawansowany B1:
pobierz ćwiczenie jako PDF
Type in words from the list to complete the sentences.
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