Filologia angielska - słownictwo

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1151-1200 z 2565
Crime and Punishment
Having extremely strong beliefs, particularly religious or political.

The religious zealotry of some Islamic nations is quite disturbing.

Crime and Punishment
An argument or statement which is not based on fact or reasoning and is likely to be wrong.

He supported his claims with spurious evidence.

Crime and Punishment
Something that increases rapidly.

The proliferation of McDonalds and Pizza Hut is a good example of cultural imperialism.

Crime and Punishment
An increase in power, size or importance.

Some see the current war in Afghanistan as being nothing more than American aggrandizement.

cavalier attitudes
Crime and Punishment
Not caring or thinking about consequences

Some members of society have a rather cavalier attitude towards the law.

Crime and Punishment
to send back or consign again.

The accused was remanded to the custody of the lower court to await further proceedings.

correctional facility
Crime and Punishment
a bleeding-heart-liberal euphemism for 'prison'.

They sent the assassin to the Hannibal House of Corrections for a crash course in rehabilitation.

Crime and Punishment
in the slang of drug users, a pellet or lump of "crack", highly addictive purified cocaine in crystalized form, smoked for its stimulating effects; named after its rock-like consistency,

The rock is put in a pipe and smoked, with far more potent effects than inhaling the powder.

an inmate
Crime and Punishment
a person dwelling with others in a confined place, usu. a prison or mental hospital.

The undercover journalist found the treatment of asylum inmates appalling.

an inmate
Crime and Punishment
Hugo stabbed a guard in order to gain the respect of his fellow inmates.

death row
Crime and Punishment
prison cells for inmates awaiting execution.

He'd been on death row for three years, appeals still pending.

a reprieve
Crime and Punishment
a respite from impending punishment, esp. from execution; a warrant authorizing this.

It was only a temporary reprieve. He would face the hangman sooner or later.

a stay of sth
Crime and Punishment
suspension of a judicial proceeding, a postponement.

The attorney won for his convicted client a stay of sentencing.

a stay of sth
Crime and Punishment
The death row inmate never lost hope that the governor might issue a stay of execution.

to commute sth
Crime and Punishment
to exchange for another or for something else; interchange; to change (e.g. a prison sentence or other penalty) to a less severe form.

Medieval alchemists attempted to commute base metals into gold.

to commute sth
Crime and Punishment
The governor commuted the convict's sentence to life imprisonment.

Crime and Punishment
wrong, improper, or excessive use; misuse: the abuse of privileges/authority; drug abuse,

We've recently seen a decrease in heroin abuse in all parts of the country.

Crime and Punishment
to treat sb in a cruel way, esp. because of their race, their politcal or religious beliefs,

Throughout history, religious minorities have been persecuted for their beliefs.

Crime and Punishment
drug slang, a dose of a powdered drug, esp. cocaine, intended to be taken nasally,

Every time our team scored, we each did a line of coke through a twenty-dollar bill. She produced a sixinch ivory tube, sank to her knees and greedily did her lines, snorting "angel dust" into each nostril.

to chase the dragon
Crime and Punishment
drug slang, to take heroin (or heroin mixed with another smokable drug) and heat it on a piece of folded tin foil and inhale the fumes,
pogoń za smokiem

They invited us to chase the dragon Hong Kong style, with matches, foil and tube.

Crime and Punishment
the practise of keeping people of different races, religions or even sexes apart and making them live, work, and study separately,

The US Supreme Court ruled in 1954 that racial segregation in schools was unconstitional.

Crime and Punishment
a person who is harmed in any way, or who is injured or killed as the result of a crime, bad luck or an accident. Also used of a deceived or cheated person.

One victim of the fraudulent scheme was swindled out of her entire life savings. The fire claimed 43 victims. The families of the victims were devastated.

scot free
Crime and Punishment
free from harm, restraint, punishment, or obligation.

I still can't believe OJ got off scot free! What a miscarriage of justice. They let him off the hook without even a slap on the wrist. He got off scot free.

Crime and Punishment
Very harmful or evil in a way that is not immediately obvious

Psychologists are investigating the extent to which certain types of film have a pernicious effect on the viewer.

to retaliate
Crime and Punishment
To do something bad to someone because they have done something bad to you.

Following the shooting in Portadown of three Republicans the IRA have retaliated by killing three Loyalists.

Crime and Punishment
The results of an action or event , particularly a bad one, which continue to have an effect for some time.

After putting glue on the headmasters chair the school boys lived in fear of what the repercussions might be.

Crime and Punishment

They had suspicions about his background because of his iffy accent.

Crime and Punishment
A position of power, influence or control.

In Lord of the Flies we can see how Jack slowly gains ascendancy over the rest of the boys.

Crime and Punishment
Someone who does something that is morally or legally wrong.

'We will bring the perpetrators of this terrible crime to justice', said the police officer in charge of the operation.

Crime and Punishment
Not offensive, dangerous or harmful.

Most consider religion to be fairly innocuous but Marx believed it be an instrument of oppression.

Crime and Punishment
Always wanting to fight or argue aggressive

Analysis of American Foreign Policy could lead one into assuming that successive governments have taken a rather bellicose attitude towards international relations.

to make a clean breast of sth
Crime and Punishment
to confess.

Come on - admit you committed the crime! You'll feel much better if you make a clean breast of things.

to be on the level
Crime and Punishment
to be honest/serious.

No, I'm not joking, I'm on the level - there really is a spaceship just landed in our back garden!

to be in the clear
Crime and Punishment
to be assumed innocent.

There's no need to worry anymore - with Hopkin's confession to the crime we're in the clear.

to get off/go scot free
Crime and Punishment
to escape punishment/be released.

The criminal got off scot free due to a legal technicality.

to keep one's nose clean
Crime and Punishment
to stay within the bounds of the law.

The ex convict declared that from now on he was going to keep his nose clean and stay within the bounds of the law.

to keep to the straight and narrow
Crime and Punishment
ditto (as above).

to be squeaky clean
Crime and Punishment
to be considered completely innocent.

There's no question of whether Jones is guilty or not - he's squeaky clean.

to be above suspicion
Crime and Punishment
to be not even contemplated as possibly being guilty.

Jones is above suspicion, you mean?

to show a clean pair of heels
Crime and Punishment
to run away.

I chased after the mugger but he showed me a clean pair of heels and got away.

to be caught red handed
Crime and Punishment
to be caught in the act of doing sth - usually sth wrong.

Jones was caught red handed - with his hands literally in the till.

on the run
Crime and Punishment
running away, trying to evade justice.

The police stated that the escaped prisoners were now on the run.

Crime and Punishment
To have a short fight with someone in a way that isn't very violent.

They had a bit of a scuffle but no-one was hurt.

Crime and Punishment
An attempt by a large group of people within a country to take control using force and violence.

In some circles it is believed that America would like some sort of insurrection in Iraq.

to come clean
Crime and Punishment
to confess.

the long arm of the law
Crime and Punishment
phrase emphasizing the power of the law/the police - as being far reaching.

You can't escape the long arm of the law - if you commit a crime, they'll catch you in the end.

to be lightfingered
Crime and Punishment
to be prone to stealing things!

I wouldn't trust Jones if I were you, he's light-fingered and has a habit of stealing things!

to aid and abet sb
Crime and Punishment
to help sb commit a crime.

Hopkins has been accused of aiding and abetting Jones in committing the robbery by saying when the manager was away.

as thick as thieves
Crime and Punishment
secretive, on close personal terms.

You won't get Jones to admit that Hopkins helped him though - they're as thick as thieves, of course.

to turn queen's evidence
Crime and Punishment
to give evidence in court.

You mean, Jones won't turn queen's evidence and say in court that Hopkins helped him?

1151-1200 z 2565
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Komentarze (13)

Dużo "literówek" i kilka poważniejszych błędów.

nursery school - oznacza również ŻŁOBEK (tak podaje słownik Cambridge), kindergarten - tłumaczy się jako PRZEDSZKOLE.

Jeśli dla niektórych z Państwa brak polskiego tłumaczenia, to co robicie na tym dziale, skoro jest to dla studentów filologii? Skoro student filologii jest poziomu B2/C1 powinien, jak nie musi, być w stanie zrozumieć znaczenie
z kontekstu. Jeśli znów rozchodzi się o wymowę, to jakim problemem jest wejść na stronę słownika takiego jak, longman, czy oxford, wpisać słowo i przeczytać transkrypcję/odsłuchać wymowę? Wystarczy odrobinę pomyśleć i odpowiedź się sama nasunie. ;) Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

Na jaki poziomie są te słówka ? Czy ich znajomość jest potrzebna do zdawania CAE ?

Wielka szkoda że, nie ma możliwości wydruku w pdf...

No właśnie w pdf by się przydało ;)

ma ktoś te wszystkie słówka w PDF ??

Zdania w przykładach są proste, co tu tłumaczyć? Zwłaszcza na tym poziomie. Ja bym raczej poprosiła o wymowę słówek. Czasem akcent albo głoska wymówiona nie tak -i klapa. Ale to drobiazg. Strona świetna, dziękuję i pozdrawiam.

Jest napisane, że to dla osób, które myślą o języku poważnie. Ucząc się zaawansowanego słownictwa, przeważnie już na poziomie B2/C1 rozumie się podaną po ang. definicję. Nie ma zatem co marudzić. :)

Moim zdaniem jeżeli ktoś już jest na filologii to powinien znać podstawowe zdania, sformułowania czy słowa jakie zostały zastosowane w tych przykładach słów ciut bardziej unikalnych, jak dla mnie bajka. Świetna strona, pozdrawiam.

Brak. Mnie np brakuje tłumaczenia zdania. I to jest też głównie największy problem w książkach. Tłumaczy się słówko a nie całe zdanie. I przez to niby zastosowanie jest - no jest... ale niepełne.

Genialny pomysł, ale nieprecyzyjne wykonanie...brak polskich tłumaczeń utrudnia pracę.
