Randka w ciemno, kość niezgody, gwiazdka z nieba, zła passa, promyk nadziei... Jeśli chcecie zabłysnąć znajomością języka nawet przed native speakerami, warto znać na wylot wyrażenia idiomatyczne. Naukę ułatwi nasza obszerna lista z polskimi odpowiednikami i przykładami użycia.
I'm broke because I've paid all my bills. I'll stay broke until I get paid next week.
You're taking your life in your hands every time you ride that old bike. Stay off it until it's been repaired properly or you might have a nasty accident.
Don't pull faces like that if you don't like the food. It's bad manners.
Jeff made a scene at the party yesterday. He started shouting and pushing people out of his way.
I remind you that you are under oath to tell the truth. Lying under oath can have serious consequencies.
Danny was a bundle of nerves before the race. He couldn't sit still and could hardly speak.
Swearing like a sailor is not allowed in my bar! Customers are asked to speak politely at all times.
That phone call disturbed me and I've lost my train of thought. I can't remember what I was just going to do.
I'm scared to death of meeting Jim after all these years. He hit me the last time we met and we haven't spoken since.
Are you eating in or would you like your burgers to go? We have a couple of free tables.
I've been as sick as a dog since I got up. I think those burgers we had yesterday evening weren't fresh and have upset my stomach.
John was almost ninety when he bit the dust. His funeral was a very sad occasion.
You shouldn't be so curious about what these guys do for a living. I'm sure you've heard that curiosity killed the cat, so keep your nose out of their business.
I found out what Tom's Achilles heel is. He never comes camping with us because he's afraid of snakes.
I was stark naked when I came out of the sea. I lost my swimming shorts during a deep dive.
I fear that my husband is at death's door. The doctors say he might not last the night.
I'm sure the weather's going to change to cold and wet. I can feel it in my bones.
As a reporter, I have to read between the lines. The real meaning is often hidden or disguised.
Rise and shine! You can't stay in bed on Sunday morning when the sun is shining, so get up and come down for breakfast.
If somebody is bothering you, you have the right to tell them to get out of your face and leave you in peace.
How he really felt was written all over his face. It was plain to see that he was very upset.
The bike I bought from your website is a far cry from the one shown in the advertisement. Even the colours are different.
Mrs Green is as poor as a church mouse these days. She can hardly afford to eat.
It's now or never! We'll never get another chance to ask for his autograph.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when Frank fell in the river. It was so funny, even though it could have been dangerous.
I've tried hard to kick the habit but I'm still smoking about ten cigarettes a day.
It was actually a relief to come back down to earth after being in the same room as my favourite actor. I was so excited that I could barely speak.
If my memory serves me correctly, I was here with Amy about twenty years ago. I not quite sure, though.
Let's give all the contestants a big hand! They all deserve your applause.
The article is a pack of lies. There's not a single sentence that's in any way factual.
We never raise our hands to our children. We believe that physical punishment is wrong.
Granny looked hale and hearty yesterday. She was very pale a month ago when she had the 'flu.
Our local pub has a happy hour between five and six and you can get two pints for the price of one.
I refuse to play second fiddle to someone with less experience than me. I'll quit if they don't put me in charge of the project.
I see you've taken great pains to prepare for the party. Your attention to detail is amazing.
I wanted to have a word with Mike about this, but he's been too busy to sit down and talk.
I hear that your report displeased the boss. You'll save face if you accept his comments and offer to do it again.
Don't spend too much on my birthday present. I'll be happy with a little something I can use in the kitchen.
It's a dog's life working here. I get no respect or thanks no matter how hard I work.
I hope I live to a grand old age like my father did. He was still active and happy at ninety-five.
Don't be fooled by his soft voice. He's as hard as nails and feared by guys twice his size.
I missed the last bus but managed to thumb a lift from a lorry driver. He told me he often picked up hitchhikers.
I heard that Ken did a number on Pete. He's sold the concert tickets that Pete bought for the two of them.
Wild horses wouldn't drag me away from Italy now. I like it so much that I'm going to settle here.
My dad had a face like thunder when he caught me smoking. He was so angry that he frightened me.
We need someone who has both feet on the ground. My last secretary was a dreamer with a head full of clouds.
Police fear that several wooden boxes of guns lost from a ship may fall into the wrong hands and be sold to criminals.
The most recent scandal is still on everybody's lips. Everyone I meet is talking about it.
Simon is obviously head over heels in love with Julia. He talks about her all the time and sees her almost every day.
I didn't expect John to show his face. Why has he come to the party when he hasn't spoken to Desmond for months?
I missed the boat on some bargains at the auction because I left my wallet at home and couldn't pay for anything.
Dorothy called to say she's having the time of her life in Brazil. She says she's never enjoyed a holiday so much.
Please speak more loudly. I'm still as deaf as a post because of an ear infection.
Don't let the boss treat you like dirt. Tell him you deserve some respect and appreciation.
I need a day in bed. I've been burning the midnight oil to get a project finish but I have to stop staying up all night.
You'll have to get down on all fours to find that screw. It's really small, so you'll need your nose close to the floor to see it.
I feel as fresh as a daisy after that early night. It's nice not to feel tired in the morning.
Remember to shave and change into a clean shirt before the interview. You have to put your best foot forward and make a good impression.
I respect Mr Wilson as he's a brilliant teacher who knows his subject from A to Z.
I'm tired of all this stress. I wanted a free and easy lifestyle when I left school.
He said something under his breath so I wasn't able to understand what he said. It was probably something rude about me.
This report brings to light some unexpected issues which we would never have known without it.
You've made a mess of altering your dress. Let me help you to get it right.
It's true that Dave can be aggressive when he speaks, but he wouldn't hurt a fly. I've never known him to hit anyone no matter how angry he is.
Don't drink too much beer at the stag party. You have to be fresh for the wedding the next day.
I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't been there. Nigel threw a brick through her window before my very eyes.
He's not the type to turn his back on you when you have a problem. You can be sure he'll do all he can to help you.
I'm getting too old to do this job well. It's time for me to hang up my spurs and find less stressful work.
Jim's the man for this job. He has a lot of experience and knows all the ins and outs of cooling systems.
Are you sure you can make this fly right now? I think you'll have to do a lot more work before your invention is ready for production.
The restaurant we're going to has food to die for, but it isn't cheap.
We'll have the run of the house when my parents go on holiday. We'll be able to do whatever we want.
If he turns up at the party, just give him the cold shoulder. You don't have to engage with people you don't like.
It wasn't fair that Dennis was given the cold shoulder. They shouldn't have ignored him.
When times are hard, one should keep a stiff upper lip. Pretend that everything's fine so nobody knows that you're struggling in life.
I'll take a rain check on your offer to go for a meal. I'm extremely busy at the moment, but I'll call you when I have time.
Be careful what you say here. The walls have ears. Somebody might hear what you're saying.
I was so stupid to buy a pig in a poke! I should have checked it before I handed over the money. It's rubbish!
I reckon you'll have to eat humble pie after being so rude to him. Apologize and promise never to do it again.
You shouldn't be a dog in the manger! If you don't need your bike today, let Pamela borrow it! You've got nothing to lose.
I'm afraid Ron can't cut the mustard yet. He's simply not ready for a place in the first team.
Say something! What's wrong with you? Has the cat got your tongue?
Reginald has always carried a torch for his neighbour. He never hesitates to tell people how fine she is.
I lost my job for no good reason, and, to add insult to injury, the social security people wouldn't give me unemployment benefit.
I've racked my brains out all night, but I still can't figure out what went wrong with the test.
Believe me, the writing is on the wall. All the signs are that he'll be out of this job by the end of the week.
He did the full monty. We had everything. A delicious starter, a wonderful main course and a fabulous desert. It was a great meal.
You'll be for the high jump if the boss hears about what you did. You'll probably get the sack.
Just thinking about her cakes makes my mouth water. They're absolutely delicious, and I crave one right now!
I put my foot in it yesterday. I told the boss I was pleased to meet his mother, but she was his wife.
There's no need to have a bee in your bonnet about this. Everything's under control and you don't have to worry about it, so just calm down.
You can't live in this flat with three children. There's not enough room to swing a cat. You need to find somewhere bigger.
John seems to be at the end of his tether. All the criticism about his work is making him extremely anxious, and I expect him to resign soon.
Getting this job would be a feather in your cap. The competition is fierce and success would be remembered for a long time to come.
The nail in Alan's coffin was when the manager told the newspapers that he'd lost confidence in his ability to perform under pressure. Alan quit soon after.
As a rule of thumb, add water to the paint until it pours like yoghurt if you're painting over a similar colour. If not, use less water.
The band will drop you like a hot potato if they find out you're doing drugs. You won't get a second chance.
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater! Think twice before you give up your job on a point of principle, however valid.
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jeżeli ktoś ma pdf z powyższym proszę o podesłanie
przydatne byłyby ćwiczenia do tego
Czy ktos zna polski odpowiednik idiomu 'hourses for courses'?
Przepraszam BarbaraM87 czy masz te wszystkie idiomy w jakimś pliku?
Brakuje mi dosłownego tłumaczenia danego idiomu.
Szkoda że nie ma takiej opcji - drukuj, bo trudno jest to ogarnąć samemu. :(
czy ma ktoś może ten plik w pdf lub wordzie? i by się podzielił bo nie da się skopiowac:(
Witam, szkoda że nie ma opcji sugestii tłumaczenia poszczególnych idiomów. #16 ups and downs aż się prosi o wzloty i upadki.
idiomy to już wyższa szkoła jazdy.... myślałem że dla mnie już na zawsze pozostaną tajemnica
ja bym "learn by heart" przetłumaczył: wykuć na blachę a
"go for a song" sprzedać za bezcen.
jak bedzie przecedzanie komara polykanie wielblada?
by niepelnosprawny,org
faktycznie mógłby ten wykaz być w nieco wygodniejszej formie ale ogólnie baza na plus i część nie była mi znana
Czy może ktoś przesłać pik w wordzie bądź pdf? w żaden sposób nie mogę skopiować ;/
poprzednia wersja gdzie można było ćwiczyć idiomy z pamięci (bez podpowiedzi-tłumaczenia) była zdecydowanie lepsza ...szkoda że już jej nie ma...
szkoda, że nie dodano tłumaczenia przykładowych zdań z idiomami
Dla mnie wygodnie jest ustawić sobie po prostu auto klikera i słuchać co lektor mówi. Jest wiele patentów, ale trzeba wpaść pierw na to jaki wykorzystać. Oni te słówka mają zapisane w bazie danych, a z bazy danych wiersze można importować. Potem są wyświetlane na stronie za pomocą odpowiednich zapytań. Gdyby tak można by się tam dostać, ale najłatwiej jest z auto klikerem polecam.
cześć wszystkim ! mógłby się ktoś podzielić tymi idiomami w formie pliku w wordzie ? byłabym wdzięczna ! ;)
nie dziala -nie kupuje
dawno tu nie zaglądałam ale mocno się zdziwiłam nową odsłoną, usunięto najlepszą i najbardziej przydatną formę nauki słówek, była ogromna baza słówek od podstawowych do zaawansowanych w formie pytania o słówko po polsku, i wpisywania w drugim oknie odpowiedzi oraz sprawdzania poprawności po kliknięciu enter (lub spacji juz nie pamietam). Wszystkim te strone polecałam a teraz to widze ze jedynie mozna "probowac" sobie to wydrukowac... pozdrawiam..
mi też kopiuje bez problemów :)
Teraz widzę, że to nie tyle wyszukiwarka nie działa, ile wykaz idiomów jest mocno niekompletny. Na przykład, po wpisaniu "made of money" nic nie wyskakuje, a przecież nie jest to jakiś bardzo rzadko używany idiom...
Co o tym myślicie?
Wyszukiwarka idiomów nie działa!!!!
mi normalnie kopiuje... nie wiem czemu wam nie
Ja normalnie kopiuję to ze strony, ale zaznaczam razem z kolumnami : Słówko, tłumaczenie i Przykład. Wkleja się jako tabelka bez problemu.
juz mówię jak ja kopiuję.otwieram nowy dokument w wordzie.nastepnie kopiuję to ze strony co mnie interesuje i wklejam w dok.z worda.tam jest opcja save as....i mam ikonkę na pulpicie z zawartoscią w środku.pozniej po otwarciu jej mozna to wydrukowac bądź trzymac na pulpicie i uczyc się z tego dokumentu.to jest fajne bo kiedys zapisywałam linki do stron ale bez neta były bezużyteczne.powodzenia.
Jo mom w wordzie ale nie dom
Wspaniałe. Dzięki temu można uniknąć wielu nieporozumień. Zajebista stronka :) Angielski jest super!!! <3
nie da się tego jakoś wydrukować??
a są tu słówka normalne?
Has the cat got your tongue again.
"Fame has the other side of the coin as well." Tu w końcówce może być too?
wiec copy i paste to word/and you can make it yourself;)
ma ktoś to ładnie w tabelce w wordzie ?
w firefox'sie tego nie ma ; /
prawym przyciskiem myszki,print lub print preview i drukujecie:)
Ja mam male pytanko czy to jest poprawne gramatycznie ? The art is magic delivered by the lie to be truth
Kiedyś można było wygenerować tą tabelkę do druku. Czy jest ta opcja nadal dostępna gdzieś tutaj??
to jest za*****te...! kocham angielski!!! i tą stronę.
nie wiecie czy można to jakoś zrzucić na pdf i sobie druknąć? :P
mam prośbę o przetłumaczenie kliku zwrotów są mi bardzo potrzebne ( a nigdzie nie moge znalezc ;( )
-to hear about something passed from one person to another
-air your views
-be at a loss a few words
- drop a hint
- give somebody the low-down
- keep somebody up to date
- to talk about the most importsnt thing
- to give the lates information
- to delay talking about something
- to misunderstand
- to summaries briefly
- to fail to understand anything
- to share similar opinions and ideas
- faced language
-open plan offices
- valauable asset
- inhibited
no właśnie, czy można tak jak kiedyś "uczyć" się słówek? kiedyś się dodawało dane słówka i w kalendarzu się odznaczała ilość, a teraz nie wiem jak to zrobić.
jak to działa? kiedyś dodawało się zestaw który chciało się uczyć i generował się z tego test, jedno wyrażenie po drugim? Czy tego już nie ma?
wejdz na mojetesty.pl tam jest wymowa
Hej. Dopiero się zalogowałam na owym portalu edukacyjnym, no i mam chęć nauki w tym programie, ale mi chodzi o naukę przez słuch! Tzn, żeby można było powtarzać wymowę, zaraz po wysłuchaniu "głośnika". Czy jest taka funkcja na tej stronie? Jeśli tak, to gdzie jej szukać? A jeśli nie ma, to proszę o wpisanie linków do stron na których, taka czynność się znajduje. Z góry serdecznie dziękuję i gorąco pozdrawiam. Anna
O ! Coś takiego właśnie było mi potrzebne.